Thursday, March 17, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
We're Back!
Our trip to Greece tracing Thucydides' telling of the Peloponnesian War exceeded expectations for everyone. The success of the trip is in large part due to excellent planning and execution of the itinerary by a number of very capable professionals in Boston and Athens, to whom I'm very grateful. Experiencing the Peloponnesian War beyond the pages of history, made something that was a legendary tale into reality.
Reviewing the geopolitical characteristics of the competing city states allowed for a deeper understanding of the continued importance of geography to the nature of state competition and to the social, economic, and political character of society. The juxtaposition of the stark and drastically different political cultures of Athens and Sparta emanates in part from the closeness and harshness of the landscape of the Tayetos plateau vis-a-vis the openness to the sea that democratic Athens develops.
We also had the chance to combine the stories of antiquity with the contemporary reality of Greece and its people and culture. Thank you to all for a very successful and fulfilling experience.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
This is Sparta!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
The historical turning points at Sphakteria
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Olympic Students
After changing our charted path due to unusually inclement weather, we arrived at Olympia a site of Hellenic unity for the Greek city-states during antiquity. The denial of participation of the Lacedemonians by the people of Elis to the site of Olympia at 420 BC was the cause for the second phase of the Peloponnesian war.